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Key nutrients to boost your immune system

These days, we are surrounded with information on the spread of COVID 19 virus and what measures to take to slow down the spread of this virus. However, a topic I have not yet seen covered in the media is "how we can protect ourselves from possible infection through our food choices". While there is no quick fix and our overall lifestyle influences our immune system’s ability to fight diseases, the following provides some scientific-based nutrition suggestions that could help improve your immune functions.

Science vs. Publicity in Nutrition News

Which articles to read, and which articles to avoid, when looking for reliable nutrition information.

I was recently asked to comment on an article on foods to eat and to avoid for better brain health. It took me less than a minute to realise that article was not a reliable source of information, so instead of commenting on its content about what foods to eat or to avoid, I decided to comment about what articles to read and what articles to avoid when looking for reliable nutrition information online.

Unfortunately, it is not easy for many people to differentiate between reliable nutrition information vs. simple marketing content.

La santé au Menu

La volonté de manger sain et équilibré, de chercher à réduire sa consommation du sucre, du sel et le gras, ou tout simplement de tenter d’équilibrer les repas copieux avec des repas plus légers, s’avère être un réel changement de mode de vie des Suisses.

Les Suisses sont de plus en plus conscients du lien entre leurs choix nutritionnels, et la santé à long terme. C’est pourquoi dans les villes suisses nous observons une augmentation de nombreux concepts de restauration saine: plats biologiques, menus végétariens, végétaliens, avec des produits locaux, faits maison et sans produits industriels.